Convert image to base64 without saving to MediaDB

Hi, I’ve been reading the project : Thunkable
to convert the image to bas64 but save the image to Cloudinary DB takes time. Is it can I convert the image to base64 without save the image to Cloudinary?

would you convert it to base64 so that you could insert it in a cloud variable as a result of images being sent to a user?

And also, Welcome to the Thunkable Community, @vioayuoktaviaahs!

he / she is not new

Oh, my apologies… :pray:

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I want to send the base64 as a param to my service, is possible? any recommend API to convert base64?

Read this :

yes, after you convert your image to base64, you can use the RealtimeDB component to save the base64 results. You can also use a WebAPI component to store data on another server.

WebAPI Tutorial
Thunkable and QuintaDB - Howto connect an online database via Web API

RealtimeDB Tutorial
How to make a To Do App and store it on Firebase (Firebase to List viewer)