Hi, I’ve been reading the project : Thunkable
to convert the image to bas64 but save the image to Cloudinary DB takes time. Is it can I convert the image to base64 without save the image to Cloudinary?
would you convert it to base64 so that you could insert it in a cloud variable as a result of images being sent to a user?
And also, Welcome to the Thunkable Community, @vioayuoktaviaahs!
he / she is not new
Oh, my apologies…
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I want to send the base64 as a param to my service, is possible? any recommend API to convert base64?
yes, after you convert your image to base64, you can use the RealtimeDB component to save the base64 results. You can also use a WebAPI component to store data on another server.
WebAPI Tutorial
Thunkable and QuintaDB - Howto connect an online database via Web API
RealtimeDB Tutorial
How to make a To Do App and store it on Firebase (Firebase to List viewer)