Thunkable and QuintaDB - Howto connect an online database via Web API

I managed to to get a connection between a Thunkable app and a QuintaDB database. This was no easy job because there is some functionality that is not listed in the QuintaDB documentation. So let me know, if this was helpful and if you want to see more on this topic.


Wow! Thanks Robert for sharing this. It’s really thorough and well structured. The primer on JSON before beginning was really helpful, and the UI building “montage” was fun too.

Do you mind making a screenshot of, or linking to your previous post about, passing JSON values to QuintaDB since that seems to be a key part.

Just out of curiosity, do you have any personal affiliation to QuintaDB?

Thank you so much for your reply.

This was my initial post to this topic:

And I do not have any personal affiliation to QuintaDB. As mentioned I made a search on Google for an online database and QuintaDB seemed appropriate. Meanwhile I stumbled across a combination like MySQL+Wordpress+API-PlugIn, which looks very interesting and could be a solution for anyone who has a webspace …

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