Image Editor App

Old Redmi Note 3g
Android Kitkat 4.4 Miui 7.3 stable

Stock miui gallery app

Maybe the app would crash in every picked image

I will make a small trick to fix it: if the selected file ends in .null, then change extension to .jpg
I think that this trick will fix it

Maybe its work

I downloaded your project php files and uploaded to my server.Thanks for it i use it for resize user images to 250x250.

Do you know how can i delete auto resized images?

Edited images arenā€™t saved in the server. Itā€™s a temporal image (or an online image)

If you checkout the headers of the editor once image loaded, you will see that are image/png, so this means that itā€™s an image. For example:

That image is an edited image, but itā€™s displayed using this tag:
<img src="">

So, as you can see, the server only saves original images for edition purposes

Uh i dont want save original i want only resize images and download to app and save them on cloudinary.I do it for more space.Some users photos more than 1mb and its unnecessary for mobile apps

If you want to do that, you can simply download the image, or upload the image using the URL

Later I will add the option to copy the image URL

Yes but original image still on server? I m wrong? When i resize i need upload it to my server and use tags for resize and download it.Its okey but i want remove image in server when i finish my job.

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  1. User uploads image
  2. User edits image
  3. User downloads image

Image is never deleted, so users can use it forever

I will have to make some changes in app too xD
Maybe I would implement Mikaā€™s NaBar

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Okey waiting your edits.I want automate resize images not users do it manualy.I want downgrade imagesize :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m working on a lot of edits, so the new update will be next week. It will include:

  • Complete new design
  • Option to delete saved images on server
  • Password/PIN protection to access the app
  • Sae your images with custom name
  • More editable effects
  • Some improvements

Also, what design would you prefer:

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I think I will stop working on this project, as it is a lot repetitive, always doing the same (except if @Thunkable team adds an option to copy paste elements in the designer :yum:).

But, I will publish the API for how to create a custom image from an original ones uploading it to the server


I cannot find the PHP file!

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thank you so much.

I will try it

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this response content when i used the file upload.php:

Warning: filesize(): stat failed for picked_image-894048723.jpeg in /home1/ebuz/public_html/h/upload.php on line 16

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/ebuz/public_html/h/upload.php:16) in /home1/ebuz/public_html/h/upload.php on line 19


The file is uploaded to the host but the response contents return the above text

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OK. I have updated the code to the following and it is working now:

<?php header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); $data = file_get_contents('php://input'); $filename = $_GET['filename']; $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $new_filename = "upload/" . time() . "." . $extension; if ($extension != "jpg" and $extension != "jpeg" and $extension != "png" and $extension != "gif") { header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); echo $extension; //"Not image"; } else { if (file_put_contents($new_filename,$data)) { if (filesize($new_filename) != 0) { echo $new_filename; } else { header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); echo "Empty"; } } else { header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); echo "Failed"; } } ?>

donā€™t works

Error 200
Ä° tryed jpg,jpeg and png but not working

Thatā€™s because I changed the host :sweat:

Instead of its

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Thanks! :joy:

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