Im on a school project and my figma wont fit please help!

So as you can see my thunkable text is completly messed up i already changed all of them into iphone 8 frame. Also i was wondering if my animation will be saved if i import it into thunkable, please answer and thankyou!

Hi @hahayesbro9w0, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

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Figma imports should be 375x667, I am not sure if that is different that what you mean here.

You should be able to take care of this by selecting animation with the Assign to Thunkable Category property for that element.

Hello! So is there like a way to resize all of them all, or do we have to resize them one by one with each of the step? Also the text is in svg file so how can qe convert it into the text. The iphone 8 frame is the exact same as you said.

It may be easier to update your Figma file and then re-sync it with Thunkable to make those changes.