I want to manage the user's account!

I made a profile page using this video.But The profile page I made doesn’t work properly. I want you to tell me what the problem is. And I also want you to tell me the solution.
This video

When asking for help on the forums, it’s important that you provide screenshots of the blocks you’re using and/or a link to your project (telling us which screen to focus on).

You also need to tell us what exactly happens when you preview your project. “It’s not working” is not enough information.

I’m sorry. I didn’t understand the rules of this community.

I want to display No name where it says A. But now, if I enter A in No name, it won’t move as the second image.

You are asking Thunkable to:

  1. set cloud variable to Text Input’s Text
  2. set Name Label’s Text to [cloud variable]

Step #2 is going to fire immediately after step #1 fires. That might not give Firebase enough time to save the new value.

Please try adding a wait 1 second block (just for debugging) between those two steps. Does that help?

I didn’t see any changes.

You put the wait block in the wrong place. It needs to go above the set Name Label's Text block. The idea is that we want to slow things down so that the change to Firebase data is made and then a delay and then we try to retrieve that value.

I did’t see any change.

I made a profile pase with reference to this video from the beginning again.
I succeeded in creating a profile pase that works normally.
I’m grateful that you helped me.
This video

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