Cloud Variable not uploaded on the Firebase DB

Hello everyone

I am new to thunkable and I am playing around with the variables and running into an issue. I am using cloud variable where I am trying to save an email/password to Firebase DB. I created an account on Firebase and linked the API Key/DB URL. But when I try to save the email/password to the firebase DB, I dont see the entry being saved.

Any help is appreciated.



It might be an issue with credentials, that you have entered in thunkable for firebase DB,
And why are you using API to store this simple data, there is the cloud variable block in thunkable, see this documentation
Please provide link or screenshot of your app.

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The documentation is lacking in details but if you watch the video about Cloud Variables there, it provides much more of those details: Variables - Thunkable Docs.

Thank you for your feedback

Below is the screen shot from design block

Block code for Register Page


Block code for Login page.


I copy pasted the API key/DB URL from firebase.



:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Ohh, i see
in your problem, you said that you can’t see entry being saved.
And after seeing your code, i think the issue might be with the place where you are seeing the users, i think you are seeing them on your RTDB or firestore, that’s wrong :no_entry_sign: :no_good_woman: :no_good_man:

If this was not the solution, then i think you might have not entered the API key and address of your Database at correct place in thunkable:

  1. Go to settings of your app
  2. Scroll down and u will find a place to enter you firebase settings like API Key and Database URL.
  3. Fill them correctly and try again.
    If this also not helped then please reply and send some screenshots.
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FB rules are the likely culprit here.

How are your rules configured. Check out this guide to getting started

Hello everyone

I have set the rules in the firebase DB as follows.


I copied the apikey/fb db from here


I have also set the authentication signin method as follows.

Thanks a lot for your help



I was checking to see if there are any users added in firebase DB here.

I have added the api/fb db at the following code.




Hello @ayaanaraza9fb welcome to the community
Could you please try to use the advanced block and show on a label the error?
(To find these options right-click on the block)

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Hello @ioannis

Thanks for the help. This is what I got after making the changes


It says your email address is badly formatted. If you Google shortest Gmail address, you’ll find that you need to have at least 6 characters before the @ symbol. See Create a username - Gmail Help.

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Hello everyone

I tried different length for the email address and it did not work. Here is an example



Hello @ayaanaraza9fb!
Thanks for sharing the error message.
I checked your project, you are adding the email as a password and the password as an email because you named the components the opposite of what the hint is.

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Hello @ioannis - thank you very much for your help and catching the issue. I changed it and it works now.

I really appreciate all the help from the community.



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