I need help with the database list


So you can change it to 2 or 3 and test the app again as if you are another user.

Makes testing easier.

What is this? What dvl item is this?

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This is the Subtitle column if the DVL. I read to see if the user has already seen this row then I hide it from the DVL display.

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I use Google Sheets, which can manipulate real-time data, not regular sheets. I want to add a news ID to the user sheet when clicking on the news. How to write code to add to Google Sheet? I want to add it next to the user ID in this photo

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I realized I had to fix this. You created variables 1, 2, and 3, and if that userno is 1, the information of 1 is entered. When userno is entered as 2, information of 2 is entered. I have understood so far.

But I found a problem here. I have a login function, not a set code, and it is based on user ID. If I understood you should enter userno as the number of rows with your userid. Is that right? I want to find userno’s own row in the user list sheet and set the variable to userno. What should I do?

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No. I used this for demo. For the real app you will use the user ID from your login screen and adjust the code accordingly.

I did not understand what you want. Do you have a problem adding a new column to your sheet?

How should I adjust the code?

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Adjust it to fit your login screen. I did not know what you have in the login screen so I cannot tell you how.

Yes. I cannot be added to the user sheet. When a user logs in for the first time, I want to add a user ID to the user sheet. Also, when the user sees the news, I want to add the news ID to the user sheet, but it doesn’t work.

I added a user ID when logging in to the user sheet for the first time. When a user clicks on a news, I want to add the news ID next to the clicked user ID.

In my opinion, it would be better to change the variable userno to match the user ID. If so, it seems to work normally. What should I do?

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I’ve been thinking I think I need to set userno something like this… I’m not sure. In this way, I think you can get the user ID that matches your user ID from the user sheet and set the value of the row where the user ID was to userno. How can I do it with code?

I hope my answer helps you understand my problem.

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The variable UserNo is not part of the solution. I used it just as an easy way to change users.

Forget this variable and use your own way of how to get the user and how to get the column that you should save News ID.

Concentrate on the flow of actions that produces the result you are looking for not about variables.


So what should be in this blank? I need to write a row in the sheet in the blank space, so I want this row to be entered with the same row as the user ID.

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Please forget any blocks that are related to the User ID or User No.

Use your own blocks that will provide similar info. I already explained that I used these blocks because I am concentrating on the solution not on the user information.


Hmm, I’ve come to my senses. First, when a user logs in to the user sheet, a user ID is added. And I want to add the news ID to the row of the user sheet that matches my user ID. News ID is a type of number for each news. As you made, N1, N2 are news IDs.

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Yes, you are correct.

I chose the N-1,N2 and so on but you could use anything as long as it is unique and can be used in a List.

Technically, you can use the URL as your News ID if you want.

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When the button is clicked, the user code is added to the user list sheet. I want to put a number in the code field next to the user code. As for the code I want to write, if the button is clicked, the user code is added to the 4th line of the sheet and 4 is entered in the code field. What should I do? When I click once more, I want to input 5 into the user code and code field, and to increase the number of code fields every time I click.

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Use this block and add 1 to it.

Set the correct table in it and it will give you the number of rows in that table. Add 1 to it to get the number you want to supply to the create row block.

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Why is this happening? I want it to come out in order from 1, but it comes out from 474.