If you click on the database list, you want to move it to the website

If you click on the database list, you want to move it to the website.

I want to make a viewer list that allows you to click on the news and watch the news.

I used the air table to type in news url and letters

If you click on the data list, you’ll hear the news, and I don’t want the news to appear on the data list once you’s clicked.

Please help me. I’m in a hurry.

You may be in a hurry but we’re not. If you need immediate help, pay someone to help you. Most of us here are just users, like you. We may not have time to help you right away, so you need to be patient.

When you ask a question, it’s best to provide a link to a project or at least screenshots of your blocks. Because we have no idea how you’ve set things up so it’s very difficult to give you advice.

Are you using a Data Viewer List (DVL)? If so, have you tried the Item Click block?

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I made the chords like this.

I don’t want this news to come up if people who use my app watch this news.

However, when I compose and execute the code like this, when one person sees the news, the news disappears at all and others cannot see it. What should we do in this case?

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Try this demo

In the demo there is a DVL (Data Viewer List) and a List Viewer. If you choose an item from the List Viewer the other items in the DVL hides away and only the selected item shows up.

Ok, your advice helped me.

But I want to change it a little bit.

After watching the news you clicked, I want to change the letter to end and recognize the letter changed to end so that it disappears. I think it’s similar to the filter you did. What should I do? I want help. Remake is hard.

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I’ve roughly set the frame. What should I do here

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Hey @qortmd3592st great question here!

Sounds like:

You’d like your users to see a list of potential news updates in a list.
When they click one, they’d be shown that news piece AND that specific new piece is then removed from the list they can see?

Is that accurate?

In addition, you’d want any user to see the same list each day AND if User A views all news pieces, User A’s app would show an empty list while if User B has not viewed any news then User B’s app would show all the news pieces.

is that also accurate?

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yes i want that

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