I created an ai app that has been remixed, with API Key

I created an ai app that has been remixed, how can i see who remixed it, and how do i get my personal info out? My API Key is in there!

first thing you should do is go to that api site and DELETE (or replace) your API key. that way, the remiced version will never run.

is the remixed version already published in the app store? what does the remixer gain by using your API and your name and info intact? is the remixer getting money from it? are you getting money from it?

i dont know, i cant find the remix

deleting or replacing the API key should be sufficient then. your app wil lnever run under the old API

Hello @henryufan1ack
Public projects are included in the Thunkable Public Gallery for anyone to preview, download, or remix.

When a project is remixed the API keys from the project, component, and block settings are removed.

You can find more information in our docs: Thunkable Projects | Thunkable Docs

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