Has anyone had any success in styling text inside of the text blocks?
I have a label displaying text, some of which could be highlighted in red to assist the user. I read in a post on ai2 (Taifun?) that this could be achieved by HTML style formatting written within the “text” blocks. I tried this and it did not work for me. Is this functionality unavailable in Thunkable?
hi @bapay9897673d8ia,
in the advanced options of the text blocks i cannot see HTML stilyng so i imagine there is no possibility to have multiple colors inside the same text of a single block. Also Thunkable.x is different from thunkable classic… it is a cross platform and still on the run! Maybe we can ask this feature to thunkable staff
The html tags do modify text when I use the live companion (not sure if I download that I’ll get the same result). You can’t use JavaScript this way. You can modify text which is really cool!!