Is there any Syntax Highlight?

Hi there,
Here’s BlueWhaleYT.I am working on an app which is just for coding,a similar coding editor app.

However,there are two issues to block my work.
Firstly, there’s no text input color can be set by using the blocks.
Lastly, even Thunkable X is supporting text input color can be set by blocks.There is no such Syntax Highlight.

For example
If Text input is contains “< and >”
set “<” and “>” to #eccc68 color
but not all of the texts get changed.

One more,
If Text input is contains “html” , “title” , “head” , “body” and “/”
set them to #70a1ff color

If this action is possible to do it.Please feel free to let me know.

hey @BlueWhaleYT - were you trying to make a code editor?

Unfortunately this is beyond the scope of what’s possible with the native Thunkable components.

The only way to achieve this at the moment would be to embed a site that does this in the webviewer.