Background color of Text Input

Hi Community,
How can I change the background color of a Text Input box ?
I tried to add a row and put the textbox inside the row, then changed the color of row, but the color of the row was covered by the textbox and it can’t be set as transparent.
I can’t finish my app if I can’t solve this problem.
Thanks for any help and suggestion !

Hello @eric7pcsbod
It is possible to change the background color of a text input, it is on the advanced settings under the styling category

Thank you for your reply, but i need to change the color in Blocks, not only in Design mode; that means in the apps, i need to do : when something changed (maybe the text, the size), then the textbox’s background color change.

@eric7pcsbod try this on Thunkable Live (I think the click event handler isn’t working well on web at the moment)

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