it seems simple, but what I tried does not work: trigger an action from a certain time I compare the time of the device to the time of the action (a text variable transformed into numeric in adding zero) and i use a timer to repeat each minutes
it seems simple, but what I tried does not work: trigger an action from a certain time I compare the time of the device to the time of the action (a text variable transformed into numeric in adding zero) and i use a timer to repeat each minutes
This might be the source of the issue @bibbi - can you share a screenshot of the blocks you’re using to do this?
I don’t know if this is causing a problem but you’re comparing a string (“1830”) to a number. I would make the houraction variable a number or convert it by adding zero to it.
thanks for your support
i think it’s what i did in the Timer1 Fires blocks
sorry i think i have forgotten something
I fixed it but it still doesn’t work
Have you confirmed that your timer is firing?
Have you confirmed that the variables have the values you expect them to have?
1904 becomes 194
how to keep zero?
Use the test block. If the current minute
value is less than 10, join a “0” to the front of it. If not, just use the current minute
I thought I knew everything about hours
thank you
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