How to split a text string with \n

So I have this little program:
This is how the UI looks:

I dont understand how the - " for each Item j in list works". When I type in a bunch of numbers in a rows I want each of the numbers I typed to get initialized to the five variables num1 - num5



Sorry, I’m on my phone and can’t look through your blocks but if you’re trying to store user inputs, you would insert each input as the last item in a list variable using this block: Lists - Thunkable Docs

You would only need the “for each item in list” block if you are trying to retrieve the values from that list using a loop.

You would only need the “for each item in list” block if you are trying to retrieve the values from that list using a loop.
Exactly that is what I want to do. What do I put in the the set app variable Num1 etc … that is where I got stuck. Or my usage might be wrong.

The make list from text block will create a string. So app variable InputList is going to be a list of strings. For example, if Input’s Text is “1,2,3,4,5” then app variable InputList would be {“1”,“2”,“3”,“4”,“5”}.

But you’re checking to see if j=1, j=2, j=3, etc. Try instead checking if j=“1”, j=“2”, j=“3”, etc.

Edit: actually, that doesn’t seem to matter. It can match j=1, j=2, j=3, etc. just fine.

Can you explain what you’re trying to do with your for each item loop? What are you wanting to display if j=“1”, etc.? It’s not clear to me what your overall goal is.

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My bad my bad. Just talking it over with you and reading your comments and questions answered my question. All I wanted to read a text string and get numbers out of it separately. Sorry I should have figured it out myself … too much sleep lost on the product. April 18th is the deadline for Technovation hence the stress :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thanks again

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Okay, most likely you just need to do set Output's Text to j within the for each j in list loop, along with a wait block.

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