How to send an email without using a user's personal email ID

Hi, I’m really new to Thunkable, and I am not familiar with its more complex features. I would like the user to be able to send an email to their doctor, but not with their own personal email ID (for security reasons). Is there any way the user can send an email to their doctor through my app, with an anonymous email, or with an email I created?

I am not using Firebase or any other outside sources that are connected to my app. I am just using Thunkable!

Is there anything I can do?

You can’t do that with Thunkable blocks but there may be a way to send an anonymous email using an API. It would surprise me if there is, though, because that would enable anonymous spam to be sent.

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Okay thank you! I will try to see if there is a way to do it without the blocks!

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