How to make thunkable

lets see my aim is too make in 365 days

well its ezz
take mit source code

So have you finished making it? Then its probably just as easy to copy Thunkable source code. That’s not true. Its takes years of practice, coding, and expertise. It’s definitely not as easy as a Ctrl C into VS Code.


where is it?

no no

we are making extensions also

also we are adding our own components
we need to make docs and community
also we need to make a logo
and much more

its isnt so easy

also kodular copied mit
we may but ui is in a change

yes all drag and drop builders for javascript started from mit

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sorry to say but even thunkable did so but later they changed

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To build your own app builder you need to know HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA, SCSS and RUBY.
Now to make the builder you need some code or you can make by your own(Making code by your own is a little bit difficult). So, to get the code you can use code of MIT App Inventor which is open source!

Now there are two ways to make your builder(Use only one way)
First way is difficult one. In this way you need to install Ant, Gitbash and Java JDK.
Second Way is easy one. In this way you need go to, search for App Inventor and download the portable app inventor code!

Here is a guide by MIT App Inventor on How to copy MIT App Inventor’s code and make your own builder - (This way is the hard one)

Thank you


I have built a builder for myself also and runned it on localhost. I used the easy way



that looks like appinventor mostly

I used it’s source code onlly :roll_eyes: :neutral_face:

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So which is actually the hard one
is it this

or this

@Power_Dev is it this


i have app inventer source code from past month

source code is ok but which is the easiest way out of these 2

This one is harder one

Oh ok thanks and can you give the link for the thing that you used from

@Power_Dev is it the one that i mentioned in that post

This is the easy way