How to make list of questions appear one by one on screen

Im trying to create a Questionnaire App primarily for socializing. It has 3 categories from easy to hard. Say the user presses “easy”, they get moved to a screen which displays 1 question. when they press the “next” button it goes to the next question.

The thing is I have no clue how to code this with blocks and I also have no clue how to add a huge amount of questions (300+). I also need the questions to be randomly shuffled every time the user enters the category. Sorry if this sounds simple, I am very new to Thunkable. Thanks!

Hi and welcome to Thunkable! What you’re describing is basically a quiz app. That question has been asked many times before so it’s a good idea to search the forums. A Google search for quiz app thunkable provides this top result which is an official tutorial and will get you started: Create a Quiz App (with video tutorial)

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