How to filter column in airtable using Web API


i have database in airtable… now i want to show user only particular data as per there userid… please help… how can i use api of airtable to raise query parameter


hey @dhm.thacker1

Would it be easier to set up the filter on the Airtable side? That way you only need to change the view name in your app.


i want to make app for employees to raise complains and get solution. Now, after raising complain, employee should see the status and solution of only his complains.

We have 100 employees… so have to create 100 views… not feasible…Can you please help with API calling.

Same needs here :slight_smile:

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Hi! Were you able to figure this out? I’m having the same problem

u need to use FilterByFormula , search for this solution in this forum

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