How to create a scheduler for workouts

Hi, I’m a personal trainer who wants to schedule workouts for clients from a master exercise program.

On the clients/user’s end;
I want this to appear as a list at the top of the Homepage/Dashboard of the app. I don’t need it to be scheduled for a specific time of day, just for the day and date.

On the trainer’s end;
I want it to appear as a calendar drop-down where several dates on the calendar can be selected.

The above are from two different account logins. Apologies, I’m quite new to app building so don’t know how to best describe this in tech lingo.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello @confidencepersonaltr
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Could you please share the blocks you have so far?

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Hello @ioannis

I haven’t made any blocks yet. Totally brand new to Thunkable.

What would you suggest please?

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