Hi, I’m a somewhat new thunkable user compared to many existing ones, and I was wondering if anyone could teach me how to make a calendar app where you can add activities to the select date. Thank you
Hey @vguo104i9c , welcome to the Thunkable Community
Here’s our 2020 calendar template, which should help get you started.
If you’re taking part in our latest Hackathon then you might like to include a calendar in your app for you users to keep track of their goals and progress.
A while ago (2018?!) Simone Giertz and her team made this really cool hardware calendar that you can use for tracking habits.
Originally it was just a way to give herself a tiny reward for meditating every day, but it eveolved into a crowd-funding success, raising over $600,000. My goal for this app was to create someth…
I’d recommend that you break the task down into smaller problems and solve them one at a time.