How to add Little 3 dots on my app

Hey community is there any way to add 3 dots on top right? I know you’re thinking about drawer navigator but not. For example on by brosware ther is a 3 dots on top right to reload,back… How can I make it? look at this pic

That image itself, you can find at Google Material Symbols and Icons.

What you’re asking for is a pop up or modal. To do this in Thunkable is a bit of additional work but definitely doable.

Using the Group or Layout component, you can set its visibility to true when the user clicks on the vertical elipses icon. You’d want to add a close icon in the modal itself so that a user can click on that to “close” the model (i.e. set its visibility back to false).

I am not really understand. Please send me se screanshot of the designer and block

I am not understand.

Its a picture. Add it to your project and add blocks to reveal a hidden menu when the Icon is pressed.


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Of course but I said the screanshot of the block that @matt_conroy said

You’re just toggling the visibility of the modal and its background on the button clicks.
Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 2.39.41 PM

What is the text imput?

Give me the design too

Ok now I understood. The block is, when 3dots click set button 1 visible to true
When other place or close button clicked set button 1 visible to false is that right?


Yep, exactly! This mimics “toggling” the visibility of the modal when you click the vertical elipses.

So on my mini app, I will do the 3 dots like this, and the x button will be navigate to home.