How to add API in Thunkable

As I was searching for Image editing APIs on the Internet… I found which allowed me to Edit Images in my Apps. I need help with how to Insert this API in Thnkable.
I need Code and UI for the AI image Editor API using
Please Help

What have you tried so far and what happens when you preview it?

No Response was been Showed


Add a generate JSON from object block in the Body block:

Always do error checking. What happens if you make that change and then assign the green error block to a label?

Also, provide a link to the DeepAI API documentation. Without that, it’s hard to help you troubleshoot the endpoint you are using.

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Sorry But…
There are Some Errors


Error:{“err”: “error processing given inputs from request”}
Documentation Link

@pacecode We have discussed also in this topic about how to send an image via WebAPI WEB API Firebase Storage It does not upload the file to the server - #4 by ioannis

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No Response was Showing

@pacecode The image should be in base64
Could you please copy-paste this into a text and try to send it as image?

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It is Very Confusing…
Do you have any other Way?

Like This?

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Sorry for Late Reply

This was the response

I tried the text generation API and it worked for me

I entered Thunkable as the text and got this output



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I can see that you assume every API in the world will work as JSON which is not true. Always read the API documentation carefully and see the appropriate settings required.

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I am Having Error Even with the text editor API

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You need to specify the content type. Your blocks does not have it.

This is using the deepdream endpoint


See the blocks

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This Worked

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Can you Give me the URL which is being used by you?

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