Im making a quiz app on thunkable, I have everything done but a timer that should count down from 15 seconds (If the question is answered it should reset back to 15 for the next and if the user doesnt answer it should move onto the next question)
I can share any needed code, please help.
Please share you blocks and what ou have tried so far.
As the easiest walkaround instead of counting down to 0, you can count up to 15 using the Timer component - what i usually do is also to change the color of the text so when it’s getting closer to the end it gets orange and then red the last 3 seconds.
As another walkaround you can count the seconds and if the second is 1, you display 14 in the text with a simple if then else.
I’m sure there are much more effective ways, but these two are the easiest ones i could think of
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All blocks I have tried I deleted…
How does counting up differ from counting down in the code?
You can set a timer component and everytime a Timer fires, it increases a variable of + or - 1.
Hav a look at the docs i linked above, it explains it very well