Hi there,
I hope you are doing good!
I’ll get straight to my point - Here’s what I am thinking to do :
I have a list of ~8 items, and I want my user to pick 1 to 8 items from that list. Here’s a GIF roughly representing my idea - [the items in below GIF do not represent my actual items; also, I do not require the ‘Select All’ button.]

So, is it possible to make a multiple selection checklist like above in Thunkable?
Any help would be appreciated!
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I would think it would be pretty easy to do this in the legacy interface with Any Component blocks and pretty hard to do in the drag-and-drop interface. I’ll see if I can make a demo.
It would be great to have checkboxes or radio buttons as options in a list viewer. Maybe you can submit a feature request on GitHub?
In theory, this should work. In practice, it doesn’t. 
Okay, Thunkable didn’t like my embedded “test” condition blocks. This is getting closer:
Actually, I think this will work as a checklist. But my live previews aren’t updating so it looks like the data isn’t changing for me.
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Hi @tatiang!
Thanks a lot for your help! 
I tried doing it completely myself & fortunately, It has worked out perfectly :
The LocalDB has the list of the items, and the label represents the checked items comma-seprated.
I thought to provide my own contribution for the checklist. I know the issue is resolved but let me share it for future reference.
Check List Sample Project
Hi, @muneer !
Thanks for your idea, it seems nice! Unfortunately, I cannot seem to open the project because of some errors - I can just preview it from the project page…
Do you mind sharing the remix link?
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Thanks @muneer, but I still cannot get full access to the project 
All I see is everything is disabled…
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I don’t know what’s causing it.
This is again the project not from details page as I normally do it. From design page
wow. that’s clever! do you have the characters for radio buttons on and off, too? did you get those from dingbats font? i mean wingdings
I got the characters from the internet and you can you any character you want. You could even choose those with colours.
What a great way! I would’ve used a custom DVL to add some buttons to that. The code is easily managed. But your way is much quicker.
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Thank you. As they say, there are a 101 ways to skin a cat or this is what my teacher back then used to say.
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This is also an option: Thunkable
Thunkable Added select all and clear all…
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I just found out that if you see the project as read only all what you need to do is to select the three vertical dots and choose “Duplicate Project”

It worked for me getting a project from the community which was showing “every thing disabled”
Yes, I’ve been noticing that, too. I still haven’t figured out why some projects say “Remix” and some don’t show that at all and need to be duplicated.