Give it time to compute certain actions, or they won't work

EDIT: ok so for some reasons the code that used to work, now is cpu intensive and needs a pause to compute and do what I ask it to

I swear this code

was working fine just yesterday.

Then i tried this

hamburgers true

followed by this

false hamburger

and that part went crazy and stopped working even after i put everything back to normal.

I tested it and it seems that the “all - labels - in - clone” doesn’t give a list as a result.
I don’t know what to do.

I haven’t been working on my apps for the last few weeks because they haven’t been working properly either since the last Thunkable update.
Search this post for more info:

I haven’t yet checked to see whether the problem is fixed so apologies if it is!

You could have linked it directly ^^

I’ll check it

I’m not that clever! :slight_smile:

Is Hamburgers the name of a screen and a variable in your app, or are you trying to treat the screen as a variable here @maxb?

Yes Dom, isn’t that super clever so every screen has it’s specific variable!?!? :smiley:

I thought that broke the app, but it’s working and it looks like that for some reason it just needed some wait time to clone the components and then work on them (it didn’t need it before)