The "clone" block don't seem to refer to the just-cloned column

You can use this project as an example:
(to go to screen two press on label, screen one is red, screen two is white)

On screen one, when you click on the button, it shows you “the length” of “all buttons in row 1”, and the screen one rightfully shows 1.

but on screen two, when you click on the button, it shows you “the length” of “all buttons in cloned row”, in which every row contains one button, and the expected label output is 1, but instead, we get 0

I have used different debug methods to make sure the problem comes from the inability to refer to cloned blocks, anyone has any idea?

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Nothing wrong with the code but due to the speed of the blocks to show the length in comparison to the speed of cloning the “row” the length is executed faster and return 0 before the cloning process finishes.

You can add a wait block of 0.01 seconds as the first block inside the “do” of the clone block. This waiting time is enough to give the opportunity to the cloned block to get ready and when test the length you will get 1 as expected.

So, in screen 2, before

Happy Thunking!

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