"get row object" update only once for each row


I’m stuck. I try to make an app that help me simple track of customers orders. I have linked Airtable.
Every thing works fine but, when i click row on data viever list then its open detailed screen, and geting data from air table. And it works, but just once. During active session when data in table are changed when i open detailed page it shows old data. To see changes i need to close session (restart app).

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Hi @tokarqx2, thanks for reaching out about this.

Unfortunately, this block is working as intended. To help limit API calls, we chose for the get row object block to only the first time because we don’t want to refresh the database every time a user performs this action.

We do have this set as a feature request so that our product team can work to find a better solution for being able to update values like this.

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