Get number of rows in one column in Airtable

Hi I am new to Thunkable, trying to get a Sign-Up/Log-In test app going. The app is connected to an Airtable database from which I need to retrieve username and password. Now I thought to structure it like this:
-User enters Username and password
-app loops through all usernames and stops once it finds the name, returns cell index.

Sounds easy enough but “call Airtables GetColumn” asks for the max number of rows already, which will change since it’s a database that keeps being added to. I can’t figure out how to just get the number of rows in one column, any help? thanks a lot!

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Option 1

use this block instead of 20
Option 2

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Try this sample app


Thanks a lot! A question though:
Option 2: This returns an object of all rows but now I am in the same situation as before, I have to get the number of all entries in that object, but GetAllRows returns me a list like [0,1,2,(etc until last entry)]

Thanks a bunch This taught me a lot :slight_smile:

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When you get the list of rows, you can use the length in the List drawer to get the number of rows.


used in combination with a block “length of”