Function to filter through a table not working - out of ideas on what could be wrong

I’m trying to filter through an internal table to find the results that match certain criteria.
this is the original code I made to do this (this is gonna be long and complicated so thank you to anyone who reads it)

there’s a whole login process before getting to this page, and when I go through the demo to this page, this is what I get

the fact that its showing nothing is really weird because I have a message programmed to show if it doesn’t find anything (that function is programmed to run as soon as the page opens)
weirdly tho, I do get the response saying no doctors were found if I start the demo on the filter page, which is to be expected because if you start on the demo page, you havent entered any filter criteria

i duplicated the file and tried to narrow down where the problem is and ended up with this

it really seems like what’s blocking is the language part, cause as soon as I added that it started to block on the new file too
if you read all of this, thank you so much!! I tried to be as clear as I could, but I could only include three photos and this is only one part of an app my team is building, so if lmk you need context or a link to the project. Ive been trying to solve this for hours im so confused, any advice is super appreciated.

Hello @siwm14622lkniy
Thank you for sharing all the information and screenshots
Have you tried to add “wait” block above the “Set text items” block?
It might need some seconds to execute all these blocks before you set the simple list

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