Dear community,
I have already setup a connction for authentication against goolge firebase.
This works perfect for sign in / register /sign out … .
So, API key and database URL seems to work fine.
But now I created a database table in firebase and want to connect this. I read a lot in the foum and also watched the videos and I believe it has something to do with a cloud variable.
But I do not get any data back.
I put screenshot of my block and the table structure in here.
I am wondering if there is no need for an additional setup?
So, how does thunkable konw which table to connect?
I also realized that when I click “Cloud variables” in the left menue, then I receive the error message " Firebase Connection issue: Check API key and Database URL. Refer to our docs for more information.", even the login/log out /password reset etc. functionality works.
Does anyonoe have an idea where to start the analysis?