Firebase - query data

I wanted to know if anyone uses / knows tools to query Firebase in an easier way.
Saving and reading data with Thunkable is simple but if I need to extract data for an external system it is not easy.

Thank you

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no Integromat e Zapier doesn’t have Firebase integration.
I’d like to know where Thunk users store data over 2.500 rows … in Airtable this is the free limit. Firebase is a Json engine and not easy to query.
So where do you store App data expecially with huge amount of data?


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I will be working on providing you a tutorial to show how to get a 400,000 row, free solution :wink:


could you anticipate something? please please

My previous solution won’t work for our needs :frowning: my idea was to tie in backendless as the backend. That won’t work. Now my plan is geared towards an “extension” that will allow you to query Firebase firestore. I have a working JavaScript example. Now I need to add in the thunkable code!

Be on the lookout for it here

Two of the “live projects” will be turned into thunkable extensions I’m thinking.

Are you still planning on developing this extension? Coming from the Oracle DB world, I’d love to be able to use SQL with Thunkable.

Use the export option in the database menu in Firebase console.

Would something like this work in-between your DB and your app?

That looks very interesting. It’ll need to support more than postgres to be useful, but is this something you can integrate into Thunkable’s future?