Firebase email verification happens automatically even before clicking the link

I registered my email through my app,
got email verification link
got my email verified,
deleted my account (from firebase authentication),

when I tried registering from same email, I used earlier,
it DID SEND me verification link.
but BEFORE I clicked over it to verify
I saw tht the email was already in my firebase authentication list.

Why this error, and how to solve it?
please help!

It sounds like since you were already verified, it didn’t need you to click the verification link again.

This is a Firebase issue, not a Thunkable issue. I wouldn’t worry about it since it’s working as expected.

Is there any solution? like using API n all?

Solution to what? I’m not understanding the problem. You didn’t need to verify an already verified email address. That’s how Firebase should work. What are you worried about with the sign up process?

If someone signs up twice, they are going to only have to verify their email address once. If you don’t want it to work that way, you’d have to ask Firebase to change their policy.

I would recommend testing the sign up with a different email address to make sure it functions as it should.

The problem is even after deleting the entry from firebase itself, when signing up, it don’t need verification YET send verification code.

If someone signs up twice, they are going to only have to verify their email address once.
It even sends email twice.

Like, I signed up once, got my email verified, deleted the entry form FIREBASE, tried signing up again (sign-in won’t work as there is no data in firebase)
but now i got entry directly.

If I’m understanding correctly, the worry you have is that you delete someone as a user from the Firebase database and then you don’t want them to have access after that but they can still get in?

I would suggest that’s a Firebase issue but I don’t know what you can do about it. From a quick look at the Firebase Realtime Database settings, you might need to check out Blocking functions. Maybe ask ChatGPT for help?

Alright, I’ll check it out!
Thank you!