Firebase email verification link not working

Hi friends,
Recently, I’ve had trouble verifying my email addresses for my Thunkable Sign in and Sign up. Whenever I try clicking on the email verification link. It simply shows an error saying, “Selected Page Mode is invalid.”

And this is the information that was shown:

So basically it’s been more than 3 days and the email verification link is still not working. I’ve tried it on different devices and still doesn’t work.

Is this a problem with Firebase or is it just my device?

Please help me :pray:t2:.

Thanks friends.

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The 3 days indicates that the link would expire after 3 days. Have you tried signing up again?

When you say the link isn’t working, what exactly do you mean?

Can you copy/past the URL that appears in the browser after you click on the verification link? This may be part of the issue.


Hear this suggestion.

Now, we do not know if the issue is with your Thunkable project or with the way your set up your Firebase database. To eliminate one of them, I suggest you send me a copy of your project (or send to any other who has a working Firebase setup) so I can use your project as is and use my Firebase API key and Database URL.

If this works with me then the problem is in your Firebase settings. If I get the same message then it is an issue with your Thunkable project.

From there, you can focus on the one that gives this error.

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Here is the link @jared:

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This is it @muneer(well i think):

This is very short and not complete.

mode= should say VerifyEmail
oobCode= should be a long Base64 string

Something wrong in your database setup

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Thank you @muneer.

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For your reference, this is a valid email from Firebase ( I removed part of it for privacy )


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Ok thanks! :grinning: One problem is that how can I exactly fix my database?

I used the tutorial you sent me to set up a firebase project. Maybe that tutorial that I followed could have messed up my database.

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Just delete the email entry in the Authentication module in firebase and create the account using the Thunkable blocks.

It should work.

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Thanks, I’ll try.

Not sure how to delete email.

Here is my screen:

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From Users tab here


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So I go to users and do what though? Do I delete the email address? There’s nothing that says delete the email.

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Step ONE

Step TWO

Is this clear enough?

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Thanks @muneer. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s very helpful.

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I will delete the email address and see what happens.

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You need to delete the email address from Firebase then use the Thunkable app to sign up just like the new user.

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Oh ok. Please don’t mind me asking more questions(i’m a newbie at firebase and thunkable)

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