I am trying to retrieve information from 2 different table via filterByFormula, what happens is it gives the right information for the first time , later the datasource blocks automatically updates to the last search i.e recordid and index.
The get value blocks sometimes do not return updated values. Are you having a problem with the API not returning the correct values or with the data source blocks not returning the correct values?
Thank you for your response. Probem with Data source .
app variable featurerecordid1 list gets the row id .
I used 2 table. for one table I used list as recordidloca2 to get the row id and for the second table I used list as featurerecordid1 to get the row id .
Then to retrieve the full details of that row I passed listviewer index .
Actually what happens is though I use 2 different list names and 2 different index the variable name automatically gets updated with the same name which is strange.