Filter ListView

I would need to filter a list of objects.
By writing an object in the List1 in the text box, removing duplicates.
By clicking on the label “Select List2” I would like to display the only objects of List2 that have the selected object in List1 and then clicking the label “Select List3” I should display only the objects of List3 that have the selected objects in both List1 and List2.
Can you guys give some hints? I did some tests but apparently it s not working as I would.
By the way, I got inspired by one of the Jane’s projects that I saw on the thunkable web page.


my project

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Your 3 lists do not have common elements so what you are trying to do will result in empty list.

For example:
When I select Alfa from List 1, the app will search for Alfa in List 2 and will not find it so you get an empty list.

I don’t see any use for the local table and the functions related to it.

Hi Muneer,
thanks for your help.
I probably explained mysef wrong, I’ ll give you an example of what I am thinking.
Once you write Beta in the List1 (ListaUno) textbox, the program should give me back in the “Select List2” dropdown menu all the values present in List2 (ListaDue) which are related to Beta without duplicates, (In this example C,D,E).
Then, in a similar fashion, once selected one of these values (example C), by clicking “Select List3” dropdown menu, I should get a forced choice with the filtered values present in List3, without duplicates, which are related to both Beta and C respectively. In this example 5,6.
I hope a gave a better explanation this time.
It would be great if you could fix my code/give me some help to achieve that, because I have no clues how to proceed.
I am attaching my thunkable project to this post.


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I made my own version of what you described. See and let me know.

Not what you would expect but gives the same results. I placed my component just under the component you used so that if you don’t like it just delete them

Great job! Thank you so much for your support Muneer

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