Error Publishing to iOS App Store: info.plist

iOS Resolution Center rejected my app with the following comment:
“We were unable to install the app on iPad. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on an iPad.”

Since I test the app in Thunkable live using an iPad, I know that the code runs OK on that device. This is an update submitted 28 June, the previous version was accepted. Is this something on the backend or is it something I can control?


Hi @KaneoheKid, apologies for the delay getting back to you.

Did you manage to get you update submitted to the App Store?

When you are submitting your update don’t forget to increment the version number on your app settings screen.


Thanks for asking.

Yes I did get a successful update published, the error did not come up again. It was incremented properly, and so I really don’t know what happened that time. Hopefully it is the last time I get that error.

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