DVL based checklist

I am trying to make a checklist in Thunkable that is inside a DVL. Is this possible? I already tried using a custom layout but the problem is that when one checkbox is checked, all the checkboxes get automatically checked.

I have been unable to use the checkmark component for the same reason but, I was able to do it by using a picture of a checkmark “empty” and a picture of a checkmark “marked”. You can expand the DVL in the tree to set the properties of each component in that DVL

In general, we warn against using Data Viewers for interactions like this. The best bet when you need to interact with an element of each item of a list is to use cloning.

@tthompson41231 can you please post screenshots… I would like to learn more about how did you did it. Thanks

Are you simply changing the value of a data source cell to change the checkbox value? Or are you using Any Component blocks? If you’re using blocks to do this, it’s important to share a screenshot of the blocks.

Ignore my headers.



Thank you for your coding example @tthompson41231 . This code has worked beautifully. One quick question here - Is there a way to change it so that if the row is clicked it goes to the checked checkbox and it goes back to unchecked if clicked again?

Sorry if I don’t understand the question but isn’t that what it is already doing? I don’t know what kind of app you’re making but you don’t need to save the values if you want the checklist to be cleared every time the page opens.

My mistake, sorry about that. I forgot to add the else function.

Are you saving the data in a table?

Yes, I am. Could this same If else statement be viable in that scenario?

Of course

Thank you so much for you help! It really helped me on my project. Thank you.

You’re welcome.

You can use variables too.

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That is really helpful to know. Thank you very much for spending time to help out on my passion project.

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