Downloading app on More than one iPhone

Hello, I’m new to Thunkable. I read that you can download an app to your iPhone. I also read you can only download one app at a time and if you download another app, the first one will erase. What about if you are working on an app with let’s say 3 collaborators. Can all three download it on each of their devices at the same time?

If they each have Thunkable accounts, you can share a link to the project and each person can download their own copy to their phone. But when you make edits, you’d have to share and download new versions.

Other ways to do that are to publish as a web app or publish to an App Store.

Thank you

You’re welcome. It’s not easy to collaborate on an app in Thunkable. It’s possible to work on separate screens of the same project (although not simultaneously) in the older Snap to Place interface and then combine them by saving and restoring screens. But the newer Drag & Drop interface does not yet have that feature.

Regardless, there isn’t a way to have several people editing a single project at once.

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