I can not install 2 Thunkable apps simultaneously on iOS

I have created 2 app.
I have downloaded the first one and install on my iphone. And then, I download the second and install on my iphone. But the second app replace the first app. I can not install the separate apps. Please tell me why it is and how to install separate apps on my iphone.
Thank you!

You will need to publish your apps either to the app store or as a WebApp. The limitation does not come from Thunkable, instead it comes from Apple. Maybe we should all write them Angry letters Kindly asking for them to change this.

If you have an Android, this limitation does not exist. Basically, Apple wants a high level of control over the content that ends up on their hardware to make sure it doesn’t break the law, break the phone, degrade the iPhone brand, etc.

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I have download an apk file, but I can not install it on any android phones. When I install, I get a notification “Can not install because of an APK application error”

Do you want to share your app? I could try this for you?

I want to download apk file and share by myself

You can update to Google drive and your android phone installed Google drive app
And then you must share your link
Finally you can use that link to download your app!

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