is now home to our Drag and Drop documentation!

Hi Thunkers,

On August 10th, we transitioned to host our documentation for Thunkable’s Drag and Drop platform. Previously, this URL was home to our Snap to Place documentation, which is now at an alternate URL.

What's Drag and Drop vs. Snap to Place?

Not sure which platform you’re building on? Confirm your platform here.
What’s the difference between Drag and Drop vs. Snap to Place? Read more here.

If you are building on...

Platform: Drag and Drop
New URL:

Platform: Snap to Place
New URL:

What does this mean for you?

  • If you link out to Thunkable Docs in any capacity, please check the links above to make sure you are linking to the right documentation. You will need to make changes no matter which platform you intend to point to.

  • You can always switch between our two platform docs on the upper left hand corner of the docs.

At Thunkable, we have been building towards the ultimate no-code building experience with our Drag and Drop platform. As the majority of Thunkers are now building on Drag and Drop, we are excited to align our documentation with our user’s preferred building experience.

As usual, please let us know if you have any questions. We’re here to help!
