Dividing large numbers


i just made a calaculator, it works well but there is one issue, when i divide a large number, then i get a number that ends with E6. An example 32587412 divide by 5 gives 6.5175E6, that is not what i want, i want the hole number.
Is there a solution for this issue.
thanks in advance

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In Java there’s a datatype called “BigInteger” without any theoretical max value.

It’s harder to work with compared to more common datatypes like int.

However, sadly as far as I know…it’s not available in Thunkable.

So if you’re making an Android app in Android Studio, try it out. If you’re trying it here on Thunkable, MIT App Inventor…etc., well then you’re stuck.

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You can calculate the result from exponential notation to decimal but the result is ronded so it’s not exact.
In your example, you can calculate 6.5175 * 10^6 and give it as result but this is 6517500 instead of 6517482.4 (the correct one). I don’t know how to work with big number without using esponential notation in Thunkable.

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Thank you for the quick response, and yes i’m stuck :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the quick response, and yes i’m stuck :slight_smile: