I already search the community and still just found 4 or 5 post related but not what exactly I was needed…
Is there any method to set or declare user-agent string for the webviewer? I turn my website into an app here and it has a google login method…
A user agent is simple. agent assist agent (similar to dialog-flow agent) is a user simple-agent for beginners, it’s pretty hard though first go to the agent assist console you should select the provided name for your firebase project. you should select the conversation profiles to google_users.apps.auth+20%firebase20% and other plat forms you use for your app
Hi thank you for your help. My website google login don’t use Firebase Auth, I was using google libraries using PHP, but i’ll try to explore this agent assist…
You are talking about HTTP user-agent and he is talking about the “agent” in the Diagflow assistant which are two different things.
The web viewer is actually, I think, an iFrame component and you need to see a way to change the header of the parent window if possible or force a different user-agent from the web viewer itself.
There isn’t enough information in this subject so the only way is to try it yourself.
I believe you need to behave and use good words and stop being offensive.
The inquiry is about the HTTP user-agent not about the agent assistant that you keep mentioning everywhere as if you made a breakthough in Thunkable.
For any information about agent assistant you can refer to Thunkable documentation
Thunkable has a component that integrates to the Google Assistant with the setup steps that are indicated in the documentation and the use of this component.
I hope you stop acting this way and realize you are part of a decent community with moral principles.