Disallowed_useragent Webview Google OAuth

Hi to everyone, i have a serious problem. I was projecting an application for my hair salon and everything seemed okay. I added some WebViewers linked to a platform (which is not mine, so i can’t change anything in it) for online booking. After selecting all the services the customer has to sign up or log in. there are three buttons, login with email, login with facebook and login with google. Both facebook and email works, but when i try to click Continue with google, the OAuth autentication brings me to error 403: disallowed_useragent so the customer can’t login with google, and i know that google disallowed all the webviewer except authorised. But is there any way to fix or hide this problem? I have firebase SDK, can it help? If somebody is able to help me i will share the project link. Thank you.

Hey @killerzkillaws

Did you ever have any luck with this? How many bookings would you expect to take in an average day?

@killerzkillaws did you find a solution to this, I’m having the same problem…