Data Viewer List - Refresh Data

Hi, In my project I have several “Dat Viewer Lists”, but in all of them I have the problem that if I do a “Drag Down” or if I call the refresh data via function, only the first and last elements of the list remain in the list. Is it possible to correct the problem?

After the Refresh:

Thank you

Hi @mattiafontana7 thanks for reaching out. Could you show us the blocks you are using here for this?

Hi Matt, thanks for your replay. So in this case I have to insert the data present on firebase into a table to be able to view the data viewer list. To compile the table, I take the list of names that I extrapolate from the firebase json, as a guide to be able to extrapolate the properties I need (always from the Json).

And this works well… the problem is that if I refresh the data, all the elements disappear, except the first and last element. And there is nothing in the blocks to justify this. Maybe it’s something to do with the Layout? Thank you for your help.

Any news about it? Thanks