Data Source only can use one page of excel

Hello. Yesterday i syncoronized my excel sheet in google that collect all data base for my project and thunkable start to see only one page of document. I already make a copy of this sheet, create a new sheet and nothing is working, all this data bases have only one page in the thunkable syncronization. Also i saw that is not only me have this problem, i hope that support will fix this bag, but anyway i would like to ask. What can i do to fix it faster?

Hello @sancrismagico welcome to the community
Unfortunately, we don’t have a workaround for this issue.
We have flagged it to our engineering team. We’re committed to finding a resolution quickly, and we will keep you updated as soon as there is any progress.

Hello @sancrismagico
Thank you again for your patience. I would like to let you know that we have now officially released a fix for this bug.

Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project.