The data source menu is all stacked together, and nothing happens when it try to drag out the blocks or click on it. I tried clearing cache and hard refreshing nothing happens. Any idea how to fix this? I’m using Google Chrome.
This didn’t happen few days ago. I went on a break and came back to this problem. Thanks in advance.
What happens if you use a different browser? I haven’t heard this happening for anyone else.
Does this happen if you create a new blank project?
The exact same thing happen in Edge browser, all stacked on each other. Creating a new project works fine and normally.
I don’t know if this is related but there are 3 data sources created in this project that are corrupted and unable to be removed. The others I created are fine.

The 3 tables with the same name at the top I created by accident cuz my mouse was bugged and i tapped the create button too fast multiple times. Nothing happens when i tap the trash can button.
Then it’s a corrupt project. Only Thunkable Support will be able to help you with that.
I see, thanks for your time
I found a workaround if anyone had this problem. If you click on the block then click on the empty space below them in the menu, it will make the block u selected appear on your project. But since they are all stacked together you cant get the ones far behind. To do that, i had to open the google chrome debug interface and select element on the block, or you can just press cltr+shift+c then click on the block. This will show up after you minimize some of the expanded code it shows.

The "g class=“blockyDraggable…” is basically all the blocks in the menu, and to reach whatever you want far behind you can delete each block from bottom to top from the code, since the highest block is hidden behind and the lowest is stacked to the front. The list is arranged in this order: delete, get row obj, list of values, number of rows, delete row, create row, update value, get value from.
So after deleting the other blocks you dont need you can click on the block then click on the empty space in the menu(dont click outside the menu since it will reset it and dragging doesnt work). Hope this temporary helps if anyone else encounters this problem.
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