Data List "Text" not appearing in a view preset

Hi All,

I just wanted to make sure I’m not missing anything. I’ve set up a local data source and have a data list viewer mapped to it. I’ve selected the Image+title+subtitle+text setup for the DLV, however the text does not appear. The column it’s pulling from is not empty, and when I switch it to the column the title references, it still does not display the text. Am I missing something? Any help here. You can see in the images.

Thanks in advance!

DLVsetup DLVreal

This is the same for me when trying to replicate the setup. It seems like that specific layout is the only one with an issue showing values.

As a means to come up with a workaround, maybe you could try making a custom data viewer list layout that is a mock-up of the one you want?

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If you live test on the Thunkable Live app does it show up on your phone? I can take a look but it would be helpful to know if it was isolated to web apps.

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Thank you for the reply, DuMonster. I actually started with a custom layout, but it didn’t preserve layout I derived it from. I actually posted about it here: Custom Data Viewer Layout Not Rendering Like Source - Thunkable Discuss - Community. Thanks for the reply!

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Hi Steven. I downloaded the app, and it does, in fact, render. This must be a web app issue. However, there are a few odd things with the Android app.
First, when I view the mobile app, some logic doesn’t work correctly, like it does in the web app. I hide the data list viewer if it’s empty and display a label that says click the + to add an item. It always displays this label.

When I try and go back to my list of project, then view the same app I just left again, it hangs at the Thunkable screen until I force close and reopen. Doesn’t seem as reliable.

Thanks for the help with this though!

Thanks for following up. I’ll take a look at it. It should be something we can fix. I’ll report back once I have an idea of what is going wrong and how long it will take to address.

@ngossiump Ah, sorry I read the rest of your message and made a mental note to respond to that as well but apparently my mental notes aren’t reliable.

I would be happy to take a look at your project (you can DM me to share privately) if you’re willing to share to determine what the issue might be. If not I totally understand, but I’ll need you to describe the issue in a little more detail. Maybe a screenshot of the blocks you’re using so I can recreate them?

For your white screen issue, I believe we have an internal bug report on that and it is being working on. Sorry for the inconvenience! Hopefully we can get it fixed soon.

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