Data List and Spreadsheet Recall

I’m trying to update a simile list based on a user clicking a button on another page. The app will navigate the person to the new page and update the list simultaneously.

So far, I can update the video element at the top of the VideoContent page, but the other variables refuse to set. So the logic regarding the spreadsheet search works, but the other columns aren’t reflected. Is there an issue with how I set and show the other variables?

For this part of your blocks, you’re getting the length of a list from the app variable SelectedPage which is not a list. I’d have to test that to know for sure but I think the length of a text string as a list is one (1). So your loop might only be iterating once.

What are you trying to loop through the length of? The number of rows?


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app variable SelectedPage is set on page “LegalHelpVideoBasics” and initiates as a list of topics.

In the above example, the matching list item would be “BeforeCourt” stored in the app variableVideoContent.

My ultimate goal would be to have the function check the list, grab the row ID of the matching variable in the datasheet, and set variables across the row per column for use in the simple list.

The function works for setting the web URL in column 2 in my datasheet. The subsequent set variable functions don’t seem to.

Maybe it was looking at the wrong variable, or there’s an issue with setting the variables and then immediately using them to display in a label component, but I reconfigured the block, and this works as advertised: