Custom Components now available in Public Beta!

Can you not save them locally? @matt_conroy sign me up please. Not sure how often I will use it but like to poke at things until they break :thinking:

Once you publish a Custom Component, it will always be available for you to use in your My Components tab on I will get you signed up and ready for Beta testing. Thanks @samclever!

So, I created a component, was going crazy as to why it wouldn’t work, then finally decided to load the component into a new project. That did the trick, but when I add a new page, the component stops working. It seems to only work when the component is on the first page. Any ideas on to why this happens?

@tthompson41231 We can take a look into this for you. Would you mind sharing a link to the Custom Component? You will find the Share button on the top right portion of your screen.

I figured it out. Custom components aren’t initializing component variables when they are not located on the first page. The workaround I did was to create a function that sets all variables to their initial state.

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Brilliant, glad a solution was found!

Hopefully the team can figure out why this happens. I know it’s probably not on your agenda at moment, but let me know when this has been fixed so I could remove unnecessary code. Thanks.

I’m excited to share a fresh custom components tutorial with y’all! In this short video tutorial, you’ll learn how to use methods to trigger behavior in custom components.


Can you please add me to beta tester… trying to get back again to in new year…

Hi @tiny_apps, thanks for reaching out. Custom Components are now in public beta and available to all Thunkable users. You should see the Custom Components tab on your Projects page.

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Hi, I have a problem with my custom component, I attach screen .problem: I update the component but I can’t update it in the project where I’m using it immag1 and immag3 only by putting it in a new project it updates to the latest version but not graphically (immg4 ). I only have one custom component for the moment. I also attach component link.

Im 1Ăš

Actually ran into this myself. Try removing it from the project and reading it.

Super annoying tho

@lorenzofaverijfd3b @jared Thanks for reaching out about this. This issue crops up when a user publishes a custom component > 10 times. The fix for this should be released in the next few days.


Hi, today I have 2 problems.
1st the images are not reported after publication
2nd part of the project variables are not saved when exiting the editor
I attach screenshots

component before publi

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Hi, I hope I am writing in the correct group…
I would love to hear if and when the custom components will be available in “Any components”. In my opinion this would be a giant leap forwards. Right now I see no way to create a new cust.comp with the “clone” block. The following screenshot may show my idea:


This could be helpful for me:

  • My custom component “Test_comp21” has a property called “Index”. That way I could identify a click on a cloned component, provided I have set the property “Index” appropriately.
  • But there is no way to clone my cust.comp…
  • …and right now there is no block in the “Any component” section like “when Any component click”.

put the component in a group. then clone the group

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Hi @jared ,
thank you, this solved a part of my question: I put my cust.comp in a group and then I was able to clone the group.


  • the cloned group does not respond to the block “when Any group click”. Only the original group responds to this event. So I am not able to receive events from the cloned group.
  • BTW: the block “when Any group click” has a green output “component”. When I insert it in “get object properties of” I get a list of numbers from 0…35. I am still trying to decode this output…
  • I am not able to set properties of the cust.comp inside of the cloned block.

Hi @Michael_Rogulla apologies for the delay here. I’m looking into whether there are plans to allow Custom Components to be cloned and/or being accessed through the Any Component blocks.

Hang tight and I hope to have an answer soon!

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@Michael_Rogulla Appreciate the feedback and suggestions here! The short answer is that we do plan on adding in the functionality to use a Custom Component in the Any Component drawer.

We don’t have a specific timeline for this yet but we will make announcements of new functionality to Custom Components in our Release Updates board.

Thanks again!

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