Creating a one-hour countdown timer

I need to create a countdown timer that runs for an hour then resets. I have the 5-minute timer, but 5 minutes is the max. how do i make the timer longer?

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Hello @mrtcryerkcshe7 Welcome to Thunkable!

What have you tried so far?
Maybe I can make some suggestions based on your already existing code.

Cheers <3

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Thank you.
I just followed the guide in the Thunkable docs for a timer.
Ultimately, I want to create a timer that will send me a notification as a reminder to drink water. I would love for it the time to be adjustable and show the remaining time like a clock, but I cannot seem to figure that out. I was able to figure out how to make it reset and start over, which is perfect. I can do a lot in Scratch and thought this would be similar, but there are a lot more differences than I thought there would be.

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I see, thanks for sharing.
So just to get it right you want to:

  1. Display the time left in minutes and seconds.
  2. You want to be able to send a notification if you need to drink water, do you want this to happen in the background or when the app is open?

You do need a Thunkable subscription to have access to background notifications.

Thank you. Yes, that is correct, however just displaying the time right would be fine too.

It seems like I need a subscription to be able to use the app as well, so the notifications would be included too.

Thanks for the help

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You can download 2 iOS or android app files for free but to publish and keep it that way you need a subscription indeed.

You can use the following blocks to convert to mm:ss.

ps: if you need it to be an hour you should use 3600 seconds instead of 5000.

Ok, thank you.
I saw that I can download them for testing, but if I understand correctly, they only work for 72 hours. Did I misunderstand something?

Thanks for the help! I can’t look at it closely now, but will tonight . This is exciting!

Are there resources to learn more about how to do different things? I found the help documents only moderately helpful.

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No that’s when the link expires.

There are lots of tutorials that can be found on youtube and Thunkable.
There is no clear way for everyone to learn something, do all I can suggest is look at tutorials and try things out, see what works and doesn’t.

Ohhhh! Thanks for the clarification! Glad I asked.
Thank you for all your help. As you can tell, I am trying to figure this out a bit!

I will leave you alone now! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Glad I could help.

If I solved your issue please mark the answer as solved so other users know the solution if they stumble across the issue.

Good luck on your thunking journey!

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Ok, I will once I take a look at your suggested code.

Thanks again.


Hi again!
I added what you suggested and changed the time, but it still just counts down the seconds. Clearly, I missed something. I have a basic idea of what the function is supposed to do, but maybe I missed something else.

Here is an image of everything I have so far.

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Hello @mrtcryerkcshe7,

You have made a typo you create the variable secondsclock but try to read the variable secondsClock
You are also still setting the display text to the variable rather than calling the function to get the seconds in mn:ss format.

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I had a feeling I had a typo! I looked and looked, but clearly missed it.

I will take a look at the function piece. I have not used them much, but will figure this out.

Thanks again!

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I set up my app the way you suggested, but it still only shows the countdown in seconds.
Any other ideas?
I have attached a photo of my code as it is now.

Your still not using the function caller block.
If you go into functions you can see a define function blocks and the function already created.
Drag that block onto the workspace and set the display text to that function.

Ok, that makes sense. I was trying to figure out how the function was described. I was looking for the wrong thing!

Thank you!